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Credit…The New Slave Master.

Credit…The New Slave Master.

Credit…The New Slave Master.

For years I was uncomfortable to talk about my credit and I did not want to seek help because I was embarrassed and I was not talking to God about my habits or finances.

I questioned if I should use this title because of the gruesome meaning behind the word slave but being encompassed with slavery has everything to do with our mental state.

I did not know how to ask for help because  I did not know where to go and I felt mentally trapped.

Credit is such a sensitive subject and it can smash some egos but it’s a doable  process if you can see the  light end of the light.

Did you know that:

34.8% of Americans Have Bad Credit

Being that our credit is never going away now is a great time to educate  yourself on YOU!

26 million Americans Don’t Have Any Credit

You can’t go to the bank and tell them that you want a house with $20,000.00 in your hand because they will need a paper trail on that money. Learn to invest and pay bills on time as it will credit positive credit for you.

Bad Credit Is  Connected to Errors

A lot of us don’t pull our scores and we just accept those scores because we are living foul and we don’t want to face reality. I don’t believe in sweeping dirt under the rug as it only creates more dirt and work so take the time to invest in yourself and pull your scores at

The Fear of The  Unknown

A lot of us don’t know how to check our scores and others just don’t want to . So, if you are one of the ones that don’t know how to please stop making excuses and use this information. 



P.O. Box 740256, Atlanta, GA 30374-0256



P.O. Box 4500, Allen, TX 75013

TransUnion LLC:


P.O. Box 2000, Chester, PA 19016

You can call each company and request your reports  for free and you will receive them with in 7-10 business days.

There is no reason for us to  be scared to get help in our credit situations  as there are several resources to help you if you are looking  for help and for the sisters and brothers that don’t want to know about your credit don’t get jealous as others are passing you by  in their credit success.

Until Next Be Blessed!

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